Local Ads

LOCALACT technology offers you a unique local media mix model, customized to fit your advertising budget and achieve your business goals. Drive more qualified leads, phone calls, visits and purchases by reaching your ideal customers through hyper-targeted digital advertising campaigns based on location, demographics, interests, behavior and more.

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Local Media

Leverage the creative power of video and display advertising to deliver localized messaging, and generate greater awareness about your business, products and services while also reaching new customers.

Local Paid Social

Directly engage tailored audiences and prospective customers on Facebook and Instagram to increase reach, visibility, brand recall, location awareness, lead generation and more, with customized ad creative and calls-to-action.

Local Paid Search

Local Paid Search puts your brand and business in front of an active audience with high purchase intent on channels like Google and Bing. Campaigns and ad creative are localized for your business and personalized for your target audience, helping you convert more leads and sales.

Local Marketing Advisors

Our support team helps you navigate your account, determine the right marketing budget and learn how to get the most out of LOCALACT for your business.

Media Mix Modeling

Our proprietary Local Media Mix model leverages data, machine learning and campaign automation technology to connect your business with customers at every phase of the buying journey.

Budget Optimization

Flexibility to set an annual advertising campaign budget and customize ad spend by month to account for peak seasonality, maximizing budget performance and return on investment.

Hyper-Local Targeting

Maximize local market visibility with sophisticated geo-targeting, and reach specific consumers with unique audience targeting to ensure your ads connect with the right customers.

Ad Creative

Quickly and easily verify current ad creative that is live in-market and view corresponding performance metrics for each campaign and ad group.

Call Tracking & Recording

Access call data and metrics for all phone call leads, identify peak call periods, and use call recordings to understand customer needs and help your teams win more business.